Three Guests andThree Topics at ISGinfo Videograf

ISGinfo Videograf is the video broadcasting activity carried out on social media by the Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Especially in the Mining Sector Project (MISGEP, in short) which is implemented by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services (MoFLSS), Directorate General of Occupational Health and Safety (DGOHS), and financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. In ISGinfo Videograf, national and international experts share their knowledge and experiences in the field of OHS with the followers of MISGEP.

In December 2020, as part of the International Miners Day events, three valuable experts from Turkey and from abroad met with the followers of MISGEP on Videograf.

On 14 December 2020, Prof. Dr. Bahtiyar ÜNVER from the Hacettepe University, made a presentation that emphasizes the importance of technology in making mines safe in light of industry 4.0. Link:

On 16 December 2020, Dr Sizwe PHAKATHI, Head of Safety and Sustainable Development at the Minerals Council South Africa, was the guest of ISGinfo Videograf. In his speech, Mr. PHAKATHI gave information regarding the fundamental reasons for the great decline in fatal and non-fatal occupational accidents in South African mining over the last 25 years. Link:

The last ISGinfo Videograf guest of December was Dr. Cas J. BADENHORST, Head of Occupational Health and Hygiene at the Anglo American Mining Company South Africa Office. Mr. BADENHORST informed MISGEP followers about the burdens and solutions brought by the occupational diseases in the mining sector. Link: