“A Safe Future with the Development of the OHS Culture Project” conducted by Diyarbakır Industrialists and Business People Association (DISIAD) within the scope of the grant component of Improving Occupational Health and Safety Especially in Mining Sector Project (MISGEP) with a budget of 17.6 million euros, where the Directorate General of Occupational Health and Safety is the Operation Beneficiary and the Directorate of European Union and Financial Assistance is the Contracting Authority, was presented to the press. In the press meeting held at the Diyarbakır Hilton Garden Inn Hotel in compliance with the pandemic measures, following the presentation of the Project Coordinator Mr. Mahmut AYZİT, the President of Diyarbakır Industrialists and Business People Association (DISIAD) Mr. Burç BAYSAL, the President of Diyarbakır Marble and Miners Association (DIMAD) Mr. Fahrettin ÇAĞDAŞ, the Provincial Director of Diyarbakır Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR) Mr. İsmail KOÇ, and the President of Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DTSO) Mr. Mehmet KAYA made their speeches. The Provincial Director of Diyarbakır Social Security Institution Mr. Reşat MERTTİR, the President of Diyarbakır Organized Industrial Zone Mr. Mustafa FİDAN, University faculty members, DISIAD, DIMAD, DTSO members, and local press members were among the participants.
The Director General Mr. Cafer UZUNKAYA stated in his message that nearly 400 applications were received for grant support, that only 37 projects among these applications were entitled to benefit from the grant support, and that A Safe Future with the Development of the OHS Culture Project conducted by DISIAD will contribute to raise further awareness regarding occupational health and safety. Mr. Cafer UZUNKAYA underlined that the mining sector, which is very important for the economy, employment, and development of the country, also has a special importance in the field of occupational health and safety, and he stated that the issue of occupational health and safety will proceed into the future with the mobilisation of everyone, including the employees, employers, NGOs, and public.
The Project Coordinator Mr. Mahmut AYZİT stated in his presentation that the establishment of the first virtual reality (simulation) center in Diyarbakır and working with the stakeholders and participants in cooperation are important. The President of DISIAD Mr. Burç BAYSAL emphasized in his speech that this project will not only create a culture of Occupational Health and Safety, but also contribute to the solidarity among Non-Governmental Organisations and make them like each other.
The President of DIMAD Mr. Fahrettin ÇAĞDAŞ stated that raising awareness by reaching the families of the employees has a very important role in minimising the risk of accidents. The Provincial Director of Diyarbakır Turkish Employment Agency Mr. İsmail KOÇ stated that bringing the occupational health and safety conditions to the desired level can only be possible with the ownership of occupational health and safety by the representatives of employees-employers, experts, professionals, NGOs, public institutions, and all relevant parties, by showing sensitivity to the issue. Mr. İsmail KOÇ concluded his speech by emphasizing the importance of cooperation and collaboration in bringing the occupational health and safety conditions to the desired level.
The President of DTSO Mr. Mehmet KAYA stated that they are proud to host the Virtual Reality (Simulation) center that will be established in this important project. Mr. Mehmet KAYA stated in his speech that maximum effort should be made in order to achieve the objective of “A Safe Future with the Development of the OHS Culture Project” whose general objective is to improve occupational health and safety conditions and develop harmonious and inclusive approaches in marble mining, which is the most important sector of Diyarbakır province, and wished the project outputs to be disseminated. The press meeting ended with a group photo shoot.