Grant Beneficiary Institution: Bağyurdu Organised Industrial Zone
Lot and Sector Information: Lot 2: Very Hazardous Class/Construction, Sanitary Equipment and Metal Sectors
Project Stakeholders: (Co-Applicant/Participant)
Project Duration: 18 months
Total Project Budget: EUR 216,902.50
Implementation Area: İzmir (Kemalpaşa)
Project Objectives:
The Overall Objective of the Project: With the Sustainable Training Center to be established in Bağyurdu Organised Industrial Zone (BAYOSB) located in Kemalpaşa district of İzmir, it is aimed to raise awareness of employees and employers and thus reduce the rates of occupational accidents. In addition, the development of consistent and applicable strategies will contribute to the overall objective of the project.
Specific Objectives of the Project: In the BAYOSB Directorate, the following will be ensured;
- Raising awareness on OHS of male and female employees employed in the construction, sanitary equipment and metal sectors by using high technology,
- Increasing the knowledge and institutional capacity of employers on very hazardous OHS issues,
- Providing on-site trainings on OHS for university and vocational high school students in the region,
- Establishing Bağyurdu Organised Industrial Zone (OIZ) Sustainable Training Center, which will benefit the OIZs, the employers and the employees in the surrounding regions, and also act as a role model for Non-Governmental Organisations.
Activities / Outputs : Establishing an area where OHS training can be provided at the Sustainable Training Center: An area in the vocational training center located in Bağyurdu Organised Industrial Zone will be transformed into a Sustainable OHS Training Center. Theoretical training will be held in this area during and after the implementation of the project.
Establishing the virtual reality area: With the establishment of the training area and the preparation of the virtual reality training content prepared with high technology, practical trainings will be started for the business representatives, employees, vocational high schools and university students in the very hazardous sector within the target group. In this context, activities will be carried out to determine training parameters and scenarios, to prepare training content and to provide trainings at the Virtual Reality Center.
Development of OHS Mobile Application: A mobile application will be developed for OHS in order to instantly inform employers and employees about all up-to-date data defined by law. Through this system, instant data can be monitored, and information can be obtained. The mobile application will be suitable for IOS and Android. The system will be web-based.
Establishing OHS distance learning system: In accordance with Article 17 of the Law No. 6331 on Occupational Health and Safety, distance learning for OHS will be provided to employers and employees in a consistent manner. The distance learning system will operate over a web-based system.
Expected Results of the Project:
- Raising occupational safety awareness in enterprises,
- Increasing the training and institutional culture within the institution,
- Making the Sustainable Training Center a role model,
- Providing High-Tech (virtual reality) OHS Training,
- Increasing work efficiency by preventing occupational accidents,
- Delivering this technological information to groups such as family members and friends with the interactive progress of the training, and thus ensuring that the information reaches more people,
- With the decrease in occupational accidents, making the interns and students realise that the industry is reliable and preferable,
- Making OHS Trainings sustainable,
- Reducing the direct/indirect costs of the state and the employer through preventing occupational accidents.
Project Logo:
Social Media Accounts:
- Instagram: @bagyurtosb
- YouTube: Bağyurdu Organize
- Twitter: @BAYOSB
- Facebook: Bağyurdu Osb
Project Website:
Contact e-mail: